Join us every Thursday for The Christian Agent, the podcast where faith meets real estate! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this show is your go-to guide for building a thriving business while staying true to your Christian values.
Hosted with humor, heart, and a laid-back vibe, The Christian Agent combines practical strategies with spiritual encouragement to help you navigate the challenges of the real estate world. From inspiring interviews to actionable solo episodes, every 30ish-minute episode is designed to equip you with tools to succeed and keep your faith at the forefront.
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About the Host: Garrett Maroon has 10+ years in real estate and over 650+ sales. As a busy father of 4 young kids his mission is to help you reclaim an intentional and God-honoring life and business.
In this episode, Garrett celebrates the 200th episode of the Faithful Agent Podcast and shares some quick housekeeping items. He then dives into a thought about finding peace and calm in the midst of chaos by focusing on God. Garrett uses examples from the movie 'War of the Worlds' and the story of Peter walking on water to illustrate the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on God. He encourages listeners to choose to focus on God's goodness and trust that everything will be okay.
Focus on God's face in the midst of chaos to find peace and calm. Choosing to focus on God's goodness and trust in His control can help us overcome fear and worry. Attending conferences and fellowshipping with other Christian agents can be encouraging and uplifting. God is our heavenly Father and provider, and He will take care of us in every situation.
00:00 Introduction and 200th Episode Celebration 00:27 Quick Housekeeping and Conference Announcement 01:52 A Thought: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos 06:28 Choosing to Focus on God's Goodness 08:05 The Power of Fellowship and Encouragement 09:30 Trusting God as Our Heavenly Father and Provider
Resources & Opportunities:
📅 Join The Faithful Agent Retreat – March 25-26, 2025, in Virginia Beach, VA 🔗 Register
📞 Want to be in Business with Garrett and Christian agents around the globe? Schedule a call to learn about the 2:10 Collective @ eXp Realty 🔗
What is up, faithful agents? Welcome back to another episode of the Faithful Agent Podcast. This is actually the 200th episode of this podcast. Now, we've gone through different variations. We started as Real Estate Your Way, we became Serving Not Selling, and in January of 2023, we went full on into the Christian community and launched the Faithful Agent. So, this is the 200th episode of that culmination. and it is a joy to now be speaking directly to you the christian real estate agent i wanted to come on here today truthfully i'm exhausted i got back from a wealth without wall street conference late last night in nashville but i wanted to get something out for you all this week so it will be a shorter episode but a few quick housekeeping items remember we have a conference coming up i know you heard that at the beginning of this episode october third and fourth in greenville south carolina go to faithful agent dot com Backslash conference it is going to knock your socks off It is unbelievable to be in the room with Christian agents and to worship the Lord together to grow our businesses together I hope that you will come I hope you will find a way to come and if the cost of the ticket is prohibitive Let us know we want to serve you. It's only right now 97 bucks and when it goes up, it'll go to $149 We want to keep it cost-effective because we want you to come and we want you to fellowship with us, so I hope that you will. So that's enough for the quick announcements, quick housekeeping. Let me dive into just a thought and some comments for you. Actually, now I think a lot of you want me to get rid of this, but I kind of think it's funny. It's kind of a shtick. I don't know, is it a shtick or is it a terrible shtick? That's just a fun word to say. A chat GPT Christian joke. So here it is. Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road? because it hurt to the grapevine god loves a good crush the best part is just how bad it is this is how tyler must feel every time i talk he hears me say something he thinks out dude i mean good try but if you missed you miss the bark so he was there it is that's for you lindsey sears let's dive into just a thought for you this day i hope it's an encouragement just wanna hop on and give you an encouragement despite the exhaustion and i i i don't know if you remember the movie in if you were here to raise your hand if you if you remember the movie the war of the world's the the tom cruise movie i don't know when it came out doesn't eat who knows i know that it was originally a story that was read on the radio to make people think that that was actually happening in that's awesome but then they made a movie out of it in two thousand eight or whatever if you haven't seen it is not a spoiler alert but you haven't seen it by now it's not my fault if i wrote it for you with its came out like sixteen years ago but here's the point the the premise of the movie is essentially that these weird alien things come to earth and in order to you sustain them and progress their civilization whatever they've got a harvest humans i think is essentially the at that the concept that got these big like alien weird -looking i don't even know what to call them but they've got these big long mechanical legs and they grab people in any ways all kinds of scary and things are going insane and whatever whatever and tom cruise has his daughter and his son and that's the the crux of the story is how does it keep them safe how does he keep them alive right well there's this part in this movie and and i was actually teaching a devotional at this local also conference yesterday morning which is sunday morning it's awesome it's not a christian conference but a bunch of christian people over half the conference attendee showed up at six forty five a for this devotional is really cool to see even in this non christian specific environment all these believers shop to to hear god's word and discuss god's word this this scene came to me yesterday for whatever reason and and i'll sharing with them and i wanted to share with you all because there's this moment in the movie when tom cruise and his son and his daughter in the basement in their hiding there trying to survive and they hear this crazy you know super insanely loud noise outside and they don't know what it is well when everything calms down tom cruise goes outside and he looks around and he sees that eight a literal airplane a commercial airplane has crashed like in the yard of this house i i i you know i don't remember exactly where they are in the yard of this house where they're hiding in the basement and it's just chaos everywhere right just total chaos everywhere and he's looking around to see the shock on his face that all of this happened in all the people that would have died on that plane and and all those pieces well i remember he comes back into the basement and he picks up his daughter's daughter's gotta be I don't know, six or seven. His son's probably 15, 16, something like that. He picks up his daughter and he wants to carry her out. They had this van that they were driving in and he needed to get to the van with his kids so that they could drive away and be safe and continue on, continue running, honestly, until they escaped or whatever was gonna happen. Well, the scene is really powerful because he's carrying his daughter out. and all around them is literal chaos it is this plane that has crashed it is all of the reality you can imagine with that a plane crashes in all the debris in everything that goes everywhere in the fires and everything just chaos the world's already in chaos this is another level of chaos and it's all of this crazy stuff going on around them and he's carrying his daughter and he says to his daughter essentially says look only at my face look only at my face Don't look anywhere else. And so he's carrying her and she's looking just into her daddy's eyes and she's walking and she's okay. She's not scared. Nothing bad is going to happen. And she starts to look over to the side and he kind of takes her face gently and pushes her back. Look only at me. And he gets her to the car, buckles her in and they drive away and she's okay. And that scene always stuck out to me. And for some reason it came, came back to me. the reality is in that in in in that moment it's just such a good picture for us of being a child of are heavenly father right we go through difficult times we go through anxious times there's chaos all around us all the time anyways and you think about this for real estate agents at the time of the recording we're going to the nar settlement and all the changes in matter what's going on in your life there's always going to be chaos and is going to be challenges but it's this reminder That when I focus on my father's face, and that's what he's calling me to do, if I focus on him, I'm calm, I'm okay. It's when I start to turn my head and I start to look away from him and notice the chaos of the world around me. That's when I start to get scared. That's when I start to become anxious. That's when I start to get worried. That's when I start to doubt. And it's this reminder of the Lord and His kindness pulling me back and saying, focus right here. You're going to be okay. You know, in Scripture, when Jesus is walking on the water past the disciples there in the boat, and Peter sees them and Peter wants to go out to them, Peter is looking at Jesus and he walks out onto the boat. And as long as he's looking at Jesus, he's literally walking on water. It's when his head shifts and he starts looking around him and sees the waves and the you know whatever he's looking at the chaos of the world around him he starts to see That's what we need to cling to right now, faithful agents. It's this reality, we've got a good Father in heaven who's holding us, who's carrying us, and says, focus on my face. Because if you focus on me, you're going to realize you're OK. Everything's going to be OK. But if we turn our eyes to the right, to the left, and we focus on the chaos of the world, that's when we start to get scared and worried. Stay fixed on the goodness, the kindness, and the beauty of the Lord. Stay fixed on the reality that we serve and worship a God who is in control of every moment of every day. If a plane crashes outside our house, if the world's falling apart, as long as we are fixed on Christ, we will be okay. And that's a choice. Are you gonna focus on the chaos of the world? You're going to focus on the chaos of the Narcetum and the chaos of real estate, whatever it is, chaos of your own life. Are you going to focus on the Lord who is your heavenly father and your provider? I hope whatever reason that the Lord brought that to mind, I hope that's an encouragement to you to stay fixed on the Lord. I love you, faithful agents. I hope every one of you who listens to this will come to the conference and we can fellowship and encourage one another in person together. I love you. We will see you next week.